Fear and misunderstanding are what leads to prejudice against people with mental illness & addictions.
It's one of the main reasons why many people don't consider it a real health issue.
The Human Cost of Addiction & Mental Illness.
Most people don't think of mental illness as something you can die from. At least not in the same way that people die from cancer, heart disease or diabetes. The inter-relationship between addictions and other forms of mental illness, and their physical health, is undeniable.
Opioid overdoses now account for more deaths in Canada than automobile accidents.
The World Health Organization estimates one person dies by suicide every 40 seconds.
For example, 4,000 Canadians die by suicide every year—an average of 11 per day.
People with mood disorders are at much higher risk of developing a long-term medical condition.
People with mental illness are two times more likely to have a substance use problem versus the general population.
People with mental illness and addiction are more likely to die prematurely versus the general population.